Pregnancy and stomas

You will be pleased to know that there is no reason that having had surgery should risk your chances of conceiving or giving birth. Although there are many concerns,they are usually unfounded and many women go on to have healthy babies.

You may notice your stoma changing shape and size, so you will probably have to cut your pouches differently for a while, or even change your products, same for after the birth when the there may be excess skin. Your tummy scars will stretch so keep them moisturized, and your stoma will change shape.  You can still give birth naturally, having a stoma doesn’t affect that either.Whatever reason beforehand stopped you getting pregnant or having a caesarian, that is separate from having these surgeries.

If you get nausea and vomiting ,be sure to drink plenty so you don’t dehydrate,and keep in good contact with your stoma nurse to ensure a smooth pregnancy. If there are any concerns , they are the ones to speak to initially, they will have seen many pregnant ladies with stomas.

If you have had a baby whilst having a stoma, let me know and I can post the story for others to read. Any tips you found useful? did you have a natural birth? These stories could help many people considering starting a family.

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