Colorectal surgeon appointment today

Ok, so I have been waiting quite a while with a persistent perineal sinus, I had to have an MRI and this has been ongoing since Christmas 2016.

This morning I went to see my lovely surgeon, and I got the results of the MRI and his opinion.

Apparently I have a sinus tract in the wound AND a cyst. According to the radiologists, they are not connected. My surgeon is not so sure so he needs to speak with colleagues and radiologists to discuss what sort of operation I may need. It may be a simple laying open of the sinus tract to drain the contents properly ( when he says simple, that is simple to what  I have had before). Otherwise he said it was possible I may need a more extensive surgery and in that case, he needs to consult a plastic surgeon so that the sinus has the best chance of not returning. ( Thought he was going to say , so that I would have a nice neat bottom afterwards , no such luck)

If the former, it will be a quick straightforward operation, if the latter, it will be more extensive and longer recovery ( but he assured me it would be nothing like my first operation which I was in hospital for nearly 3 months, glad to hear that ).

All in all, much as I thought except the added cyst. Could still be waiting a while…..



