Eight year stomaversary

Eight years since the above photo, nine years since my life changed. Eight years sice emergency total colectomy with ileostomy. Eight years since I was in hospital for 10 weeks at deaths door.

This photo haunts me a bit because I was so poorly, my eyes are dead. I was only just over the initial surgery when I had a rectal stump blowout which lead to pelvic sepsis, then an awful complication of an ongoing ( nine years to be exact) pelvic collection leading to a fistula connecting from the collection to my perineal area, then causing a hole in the back wall of my vagina. I couldn’t eat so needed an NG tube for feeding, and to stop the sepsis I had to have a rectal catheter inserted into my rectal stump to my pelvic area.

Eight years of constant leakage and intermittent pain. Surgeries, some very big surgeries, taking muscle from my thigh/buttocks and creating a flap. All failed.

As you can probably tell, I am not doing so well, I am usually very upbeat and an attitude of just getting on with it. But that attitude gets me nowhere, everyone thinks I am doing ok because that is what I choose to show the world, I am not ok. I go out and enjoy my evenings, but can leak through my clothes, My friends have had to ( and want to ) help. If I sit for any length of time at work or stand for any length of time ( you can see where it gets awkward even considering telling them because nothing can be done) I get discomfort/ pain. It can travel across both buttocks and weirdly down my flap scar. I need and love my job so will just carry on.

Medical professionals leave you to get on with it until things get very bad, and even then most don’t understand the impact. GP’s will do what they can, but it’s not their area so to speak, so they try and help but can’t make big decisions.

I google and join groups just to get some idea of how little is being done for people with colorectal/gynae fistulas or perianal Crohns disease. Since my last surgery about 6 weeks ago where they lay open the fistula and debride it, and repair the hole in the vagina, it has left me with discomfort bordering on pain at times, a lot of leakage and a feeling that the gynae repair has failed. I have had antibiotics three times and my GP thinks I have a low grade infection which may benefit from long term antibiotics.

I emailed my surgeon’s secretary nearly a week ago with her saying she will pass on my message, nothing has happened except I now have this low grade infection issue.

If i’m honest, the stoma has been the least of my problems and has generally behaved apart from a few blips and the stomal fistula ( yes another one there)

So this year my stomaversary is a reminder that I am still unwell after nine years, so won’t be celebrating.

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