Well that Month was a mixed bag


We went to Rome with some friends. It was a fabulous place and although super hot, the places we went were astoundingly beautiful. I have been once before when we were on a cruise, but we only stopped for a day and managed the Vatican with St Peter’s square, the Basilica and the Sistine chapel. This time we got all the main places in those three days. The evenings were wonderful with great company, great food and of course, drinks.


During that previous week and onwards I have had a lot of bother from the vaginal fistula draining. With it being hot and having to wear pads, it was nothing short of unbearable. As I always say, you will never know what is happening with someone just by looking at them. This drainage carried through to my Rome trip and I leaked a few times through to my shorts and was generally run down by it all. To add to that my leg didn’t want to walk and it caused me undue stress and had to rely on my husband and friend to help me.

All in all there were lots of great things this last month with some hideous bits thrown in just for good measure.

On the day of our return from Rome, I started to feel a bit off and thought it was probably me being run down from the heat and walking and leaking. I decided to do a lateral flow test and low and behold it was positive. Because I am in the vulnerable club I did my PCR test which was also positive. I was feeling quite poorly from then and it took some time to recover ( I was given anti viral drugs but because I felt I was improving by then, I didn’t need them, not going to lie, I was worried about taking them as I knew nothing about them and after reading up, it didn’t do anything to convince me otherwise. If I had been worse or not improving then I would have used them)

Also on the flight home we had a delay when we were on the plane, so take off was probably about an hour away and we all just sat there with the Ryanair staff hiding so we couldn’t ask them anything. The problem with that was I needed to use the toilet as I had a leak from my stoma, yes a bloody leak on a plane that hasn’t taken off yet. Eventually a Ryanair chap came over, and I was a bit distressed by it all as I was sat next to my husband on one side and another man whom I didn’t know, so didn’t want to say, “by the way I am leaking shit can you move please, and can I get to the toilet?”

So my husband came to the rescue and said could I have a private word. I followed the staff member and explained my situation. I will give him his due, he was lovely and told me not to worry.

I went in to the tiny toilet room, and didn’t know were to begin. I had never changed my bag in an airplane loo before and there was no room to lay my things out. I struggled through and not long after I had the bag off and was cleaning, it came over the tannoy that we would be taking off in 5 minutes. FIVE MINUTES? this gave me more stress and the more I tried to rush, the more of a mess I was in. If I held up the other passengers I would be in very bad books. Would they take off with me still in there? I eventually made it out in time and very flustered, I would love to know where everyone thought I had been. I got a few looks on my way back to my seat, and then just cried a little to my husband, the stress of it all had got to me.

I went to see my new surgeon recently about the results of my MRI. That ended up being a surprise, I knew I had large hole in my vagina from my other fistula surgeries and I thought the leaks were because I still had a sinus tract. In essence this is true, but it actually stems from a chronic pelvic infection which I have had to suffer for years, with many surgeries, some of them major, to try and repair the complications. I will be having a surgery in the near future ( when I can be fitted it) for the surgeon to have a good look and potentially flush out the crap, but if all else fails then it’s back to the drawing board. The only thing that is worrying is the fact that that gunk has been inside my pelvic cavity for years, what on earth is it doing to me?

So all in all a mixed bag of a week, and always a difficult one for those of us with chronic conditions. I was upset with my problems and have blamed them for the bad days on my trip and I only hope that any future trips will have me in better health. I hope that what can be done for me, can be done quickly.

Up & Downs of IBD fistulas



Fistulas are bloody awful, and not only that, the medical profession struggle to control them. Not only that, patients have no support whatsoever as to living with a fistula ( or two in my case) we are expected to live our lives for months to years with a draining fistula. I am usually a very upbeat person but these last few weeks are getting me down. It’s also one of those things that is difficult to explain. I have tried in previous blog posts but fistulas and sinus tracts are quite the enigma and even when I google about one of mine, there isn’t much there.

Many surgeries later and my vaginal and stomal fistulas are still making my quality of life miserable at times and all the while I have to just get on with it. I had a big IGAM flap surgery which although the flap and the rectal end of the fistula healed, the vaginal end didn’t, so now it is classed as a complicated case that needs careful management. All the while I am left with horrible symptoms and no one to support me whilst I wait…and wait.

This week has been particularly awful, this time the vaginal fistula has been playing up, every few weeks it will leak like a sieve and my day to day life becomes a chore, then it settles down again until the next cycle. Its just a fluid stuff that comes out but it burns and I am sore. The stoma one is constant poo because it has now taken over the job of my stoma, it must have grown to the extent that it has blocked the plumbing so to speak.

My main fear is leaving the vaginal fistula to become bigger and reconnect to the flap, as it stands now it has got worse over the months. I feel the need to tell anyone who will listen that life with a fistula is draining ( a little joke is allowed ). I can sometimes feel poorly and tired, irritable and upset, but keep it to myself because after six years of the same old thing, it becomes boring to hear.

Constant leaking and discomfort, soreness and pain. This is what a fistula is like.

I have no contact with a nurse to see how things are, and getting my appointment through with my colorectal surgeon is slow.

I am going through a phase of aggghhhhhhhhh. ( dictionary meaning..an emotion felt when everything is going wrong )

I have spoken about this before but those with fistulas need more help, there should be something in place where we can call someone and see someone whilst waiting for our appointments. Just a little support goes a long way.


A Bigger Life post re small bowel MRI

This post is on the A Bigger Life website .



I have had a small bowel MRI before I had my ileostomy, but this was slightly different to what I remember. They gave me some scrubs to wear which were throw away ones and a bag for my items.

I still had to drink this mixture, but I have to admit it wasn’t nearly as awful to drink this time. It was almost water but with a tinge of something, maybe like a shot of bowel prep. I had a canula placed so that they could give me the contrast. I chatted to the nurses who were also very lovely and when I went outside the room to wait I heard one of the nurses/ HCA’s say ‘ What happens when they remove the large bowel? Does the end just hang?” it did amuse me and I wouldn’t have minded her asking me.

I did find the prep went straight through to my stoma very quickly and I found myself going to the toilet a lot with very watery output. In fact as soon as I had wiped the end of the bag, it ran out again like having a pee.

When it was time to go in for the MRI I did one last empty and mentioned to them that it was filling up quickly. They were great and said to let them know if I needed to go during the procedure.

They put two cage like appliances over me, which I thought I hope it doesn’t squash my bag too much and pop it.

I was hoping to have a little relax and maybe a snooze ( I know it is quite loud but you get kind of used to it) but to my dismay the machine kept asking me to hold my breath for about 30 seconds then breath for every scan.

The first bit was over with then it was time for the contrast to go into my arm, so I took the opportunity to ask if I could go and empty again. They didn’t seem to mind but it was a slight nuisance getting all the gear back off and on again after I had been. She was probably tutting in her mind.

It was some more “ Hold your breath…..now breathe” for about ten minutes and I was all done.

My stoma had had enough filling up I was pleased to see, so after I was dressed and in the car, I decided to do a bit of shopping, this could have been a slight mistake because my stoma decided it had more prep to get rid of, so I did a quick supermarket sweep whilst holding my bag to stop it bouncing around with the fluid like a water balloon, paid then drove home, went to the toilet, and relax.

6th year stomaversary


Today marks 6 years since stoma surgery and it always gives me a jittery feeling thinking back. It was such a long and difficult journey which I wasn’t sure I would survive, so remembering those times can be unsettling.

APRIL 3rd 2016

12.30pm I was being put to sleep and for the following 7 hrs approximately, I was having my life saved. Around 8pm I remember waking up with an NG tube down my nose and my family around my bed on the high dependancy ward.

The next three days are a slight blur, but I remember snippets of things that are vaguely daunting and just a bit scary. Tubes and wires, the awful NG tube scraping my throat so that it was painful to swallow. The central line in my neck that needed resiting to the other side.

Then ten weeks on the ward, the most difficult of all my hospital stays. Sepsis and rectal catheters, high temperatures, another NG tube but this time for feeding me. Tears and depression, fear and exhaustion. Scar opening up and needing packing, more tears wondering how on earth I am going to cope, seeing my stoma for the first time.

Then a turn for the better, with light at the end of the tunnel. Sunshine, a better future. Getting acquainted with my new side kick Tomas, feeling better and stronger each day. Feeling well.

This is just a very short version that began on the 3rd April 2016. A lot has happened since those early years with Tomas the stoma, good bad and downright painful but I think we make a great team.


It’s not all bad


Cut the bag, size to fit

Making sure there is no shit

Coming out the edges, under the bag

All my hard work, my shoulders sag

Do I change my bag? Or just my seal?

whatever it takes to for my skin heal


Tomas just laughs and poo’s some more.

I try to catch it before it lands on the floor

Nothing to lose, I grab the bag

My son then walks in and starts to gag.

Get out I shout, whilst holding my belly

OMG mum, that really is smelly.


I slam the door shut and get back to my job

It takes all my strength to try not to sob.

The bag it on, my skin starts to sting

Just in time as the phone starts to ring.

Leave me alone, I am cleaning my stoma

For doing all this I deserve a diploma

My knowledge is vast regarding my poo

And everything else to do with the loo.


This is why I shout out about my condition

And having it done isn’t a terrible decision

Despite the poo and sometimes the pain

And the fact that I wouldn’t go through it again

I am left with a blob that I have to look after

But it helped me to live and overcome a disaster

I no longer have to rush to the loo

And there are many more things that I now can do.

So if you are worried about having this done

Just remember you will feel like your life has begun.

hidden disability is still not acknowledged


I have just has another little holiday in Spain ( I know, I know, I am a lucky bugger) and I need to air a couple of things about hidden disability.

Firstly the good things, I went through the body scanner and discreetly told the person that I have a stoma ( I don’t know how you other ostomates feel, but if I mention stoma a lot of people don’t know what I mean, and ileostomy just might as well be” fuzzy wuzzy was a woman” – sorry for the reference, so I often have to say colostomy bag and then they get it. I am not happy with this as there are quite a few differences, and I DON’T have a colostomy.)


The woman asked me to stay with her until another woman joined us and they explained that they would take me to a private space just to check on the bag. They didn’t ask to look inside, just a quick look overall. I don not have a problem with this and I understand why they need to do this. They were lovely and we chatted a bit, they said I was very confident and some other women had been very tearful when told they need to move to a private room. I suppose it would be better if they mentioned what they intended to do, but as I had had this before I was ok, they actually were very impressed with the black colour and texture of the modern stoma bags too. So all in all a very pleasant experience.

I have never used the hidden disability lanyard until recently at the airport, I thought it might help me by alerting staff that I may need to be checked on now and again, or they might just ask me if all was well and if I needed assistance with anything ( I have other health issues too ) Well I might just have well not bothered, no one acknowledged me at all so I won’t be bothering again.

Why you may ask, did I feel I might need someone? let me tell you why. On the way back from Spain we were last in the long queue through customs going up and down those cordons. I hadn’t really fancied emptying my bag on the flight but realised that my bag was close to exploding. No one was around at all until I got nearer the end and I told this man my predicament and instead of perhaps ushering me through a bit quicker ( which he could have done, as parents with young children and other non hidden disabled folk were going through easily) he said that at the beginning of the barriers and around the corner there was a new loo, great thanks. I eventually got through customs and ran off to find the toilets.


This could definitely have been handled better, either by having a decent sign regarding the new loo, or letter me fast track, it isn’t a big deal to them yet it would have meant a lot to me.

Why do we have to look disabled before we are seen as needing help? Too many people have the lanyard now so it is being ignored and I didn’t get any help from it so it might as well go in then bin. Anyone else have a story about hidden disability issues? I would love to hear them and maybe write a post including good and bad experiences.


Tomas travels again

My latest travels took us to Spain and with all the preliminary faffing with covid papers and tests etc we were on our way. Tomas behaved reasonably well, actually with what I threw at him he behaved amazingly well. We went for two weeks with my husband and friends and I ate the equivalent of a small house, not to mention the alcohol. I daren’t weigh myself yet until I settle back in to my normal routine back home.

I ate everything and anything, and waited to see if it affected me and my digestive system. Seafood, copious amounts of bread ( it was usually complimentary so I had to eat it ) things I knew I should have chewed better but forgot until it was already on it’s way. So all in all, Tomas was amazing it was just me who wasn’t.

I use social media a lot and it seems that with all my friends and groups of ostomates, I always expect to see someone on the beach with a stoma, but in six years I never have. It has always been just little old me, and this year I felt vulnerable and stared at. i kept tucking my bag into my bikini bottoms whenever I got up off my sun lounger to go to the toilet or the bar because everyone seemed to be looking at me ( I am not paranoid) and usually I walk tall and proud but this time I didn’t feel confident and I can’t explain why, maybe next time I will be back to being confident me. The photo at the top was taken on a secluded beach with just some of my closest friends and husbands so I felt happy to keep my bag out then.

We went to the mud flats to have the healing and cleansing salt water pool muds rubbed onto our skins and then washed off in the water, it was quite an experience and I actually enjoyed it. I made sure Tomas and bag were covered so that the mud wouldn’t get on to them and it seemed to work, I just felt the need to change my bag later that day.

I shall keep raising awareness and showing my stoma bag off ( when my confidence lets me) and I want others to know that you can still live your life the way you want to and get out there in the big wide world.


Time for Tomas to have a makeover

Since getting my stoma five years ago to now has been a bit of a rollercoaster of leaks, trying different bags and seals, discomfort etc to now needing a refashion of Tomas. Unsure yet if they will keep it the same side or have to move it to my left side.

The last few months was a worry for me because my stoma now doesn’t work or produce output, but weirdly the fistula does it all now. it’s very near my skin so very difficult to make sure my skin is protected and another thing I have found out is that the pressure of the fistula doing it’s thing can cause the leaks because it is against the base plate where the force is. ( hmmm very jedi )

Anyway, I think it is time for Tomas to be reborn. That pesky fistula has had it’s day and I just hope another one doesn’t form, three’s a crowd.

My most recent bag change has cemented my feelings, I get sore skin even though output hasn’t always leaked, from the general tight skin and a vein that is visible and uncomfortable coming from the area of the fistula, with smaller veins coming from the stoma, I am sure the fistula has caused all of this. All I want is to have a nice stoma without added extras, I have kept going with this for 5 years. The fistula pushes the stoma to the left so it is awkward as F to put the bag on in exactly the right place.

The Eakin seals have helped so much these last years and without them I feel sure my skin would be so much worse.

It has been a few months since my surgeon has passed me on to a colleague due to retirement but I haven’t heard anything probably because of backlog covid etc. I have managed this long so a bit longer is neither here nor there. I have such a love hate relationship with Tomas, if it was a normal stoma with no issues I would be so happy because the stoma actually is great ( when it was working) . I rarely got partial blockages, and have never had a full one, it just seemed to cope with whatever food was given, with no trouble. Even a pea popped out in full like it was being shot from a cannon, hilarious. A slither of mushroom, no problem just popped out too. Peanuts on the other hand can be troublesome for me, I did have a  partial blockage from too many handfuls of peanuts, I just massaged around and drank plenty of fluids, luckily it seemed to work.

So to have to change because of an added complication is a worry.

As you can from these photos through the years, you can see the fistula changes, and I suppose it will only get worse.           

very small fistula
Slightly bigger but still manageable
Starting to cause trouble
Not a pretty one
double trouble
Double trouble
Comical side, to help me through the difficult bag changes




CT with contrast allergic reaction


I have other ailments as well as having a stoma, one of them being idiopathic intracranial hypertension, which causes the fluid surrounding the brain to build up and cause severe headaches,( not too bad at the moment) pulsatile tinnitus ( horrific) and other things. Anyway, I needed to have a CT non invasive angiogram, which is a CT of the blood vessels in the brain with a dye injected into my arm.

I have had many similar with an MRI and when they asked if I had had contrast before, I said yes with an MRI. I also have mild asthma so mentioned that too.

Well, all I can say is, I will never have another one, it was awful. On the day it was fine, had the CT scan, did feel the stuff go in as was told I would and it felt very warm all through my body, but was told it was normal so wasn’t worried.

The next day it started. I began itching and itching and itching. A rash started to develop and it just spread all over my front and back, my eye swelled a little bit and a light rash appeared on my forehead. I looked a mess to be honest and rang the doctors. No one seemed in a rush to see me and just suggested over the counter antihistamines. Well it didn’t touch it and over the weekend in the evening I rang 111 for advise, that was a waste of time as they suggested I try the local late night chemist, who also wasn’t able to offer anything else.

Things didn’t get any better, but no worse and I rang the GP again who said they would send a prescription to my chemist of stronger antihistamines. I started on them and still not much improvement, AND no one had seen me.

The rash started to go but then the itching went to a new level. I couldn’t bear any clothes touching my body and was a mess. Again I rang the GP and they gave me prednisolone to try and help.

Three weeks on and I am still very itchy but have just got to get over it myself as no one seems to want to help. It feels like ants crawling over and I have little spots on my head too. I decided to look up on google and found it to be a common occurrence with CT contrast dyes to get some form of reaction.

I am still to find out how long this will last, I can scratch myself raw if I start so sleeping is difficult, I am reluctant to ring the GP practice again as they don’t really know the answers, I have had one doctor tell me that it could be kidney issues that the contrast has caused and that is why I am itchy, but another said highly unlikely so with that I won’t hold my breath for any other meds that might help, will go another week and see.

Anyone else have a similar reaction?

If it’s not one fistula it’s the other

I am now being referred to St Marks hospital in London for my vaginal fistula / defect. I have had issues ” down there” for years since my first surgery, and since the rectum removal so a bit longer won’t make much difference in the scale of things. Just hope they can help me.

Why do things occur or worsen straight after seeing your surgeon? you wait for ages to see them, then as soon as you are back home, things suddenly get 100 times worse. My stoma fistula has now decided to over power my stoma. For the last few weeks the fistula has decided to produce all the output whilst my stoma has none. The plumbing has altered and I don’t know what this means for the stoma. Will it wither and die? or will it keep on moving as if output will pass, but it never does?


Have you ever seen Scrad from Men in Black 2 with Jonny Knoxville? well this is Tomas and the fistula ( the fistula being the annoying second character attached to the first)

I think I need to consider a refashion sooner rathe than later and maybe re-site Tomas to the other side of my tummy, and just hope that I don’t get another one. My surgeon is retiring at the end of May so I think I need to ask for his advice re another surgeon.

Anyone else had a refashion or siting? how was your recovery? how long were you in hospital for?

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